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Shuck Truck

By Griffin Nelson
Photos Courtesy of Evermore Photo Co.

The only thing better than oysters by the dozen, is oysters by the dozen in your front yard. That’s right, Seabear Oyster Bar is now coming to you! When Covid hit, Noah Brendel and Patrick Stubbers wanted to find a way to continue serving their community, especially those who were still unable to leave their homes for various reasons. Enter: The Shuck Truck. The Mitsubishi mini pickup had been in the Seabear family for a couple of years, coming out for the occasional catering gig as needed. Now all it needed was a new coat of paint, a handmade oyster bar made from a piece of reclaimed wood, a few customers and it would be in business.

The Shuck Truck became an instant hit and continues to crisscross Athens every other Saturday. The easiest way to sign up is via a Google Form linked on their Instagram and Facebook but of course you can call or email the restaurant as well. A minimum of four dozen oysters is required to reserve your 30-minute time slot and you can add a bottle of wine or cocktails to your order for the complete Seabear experience. Whether you’re throwing a graduation party, wedding shower, a get-together with friends or are just in the mood to have oysters with your family, Brendel and Stubbers have you covered.

They load up the Seabear Shuck Truck with shaved ice, saltines, sauce, lemons and oysters and show up ready to shuck. Life feels normal for a minute, “It puts a smile on people’s faces,” says Brendel. “We’re able to reach an audience and provide a service for people who wouldn’t be able to experience it otherwise.”

Since starting the Shuck Truck in July, time slots are consistently filling up so signing up early is recommended. Much like in the restaurant itself, the Seabear Shuck Truck is seeing regulars who love oysters but now with the simplicity and fun of having that experience right in their front yard. To get your name on the list you can fill out the Google Form or for more information or to reserve the truck for larger events you can email [email protected].